All Business is Personal | Episode 9 | Intellectual Property, Trade Secrets, Website, Social Media

In this video, we dive into the importance of protecting your company’s intellectual property (IP) and trade secrets, and highlight some of the legal obligations for websites and social media.

Protecting your IP and trade secrets is crucial, and navigating the obligations associated with your company’s public-facing technology is easy to overlook. Watch as Steve shares actionable strategies for business owners to proactively safeguard their businesses.

As a reminder, the first video in our series offers an overview of all the topics covered in “All Business is Personal.” You can find it on our website or LinkedIn page.

Click below to view other episodes in the series:

Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:

Episode 6:

Episode 7:

Episode 8:

To learn more visit

 As a reminder, this video and all of the other videos in this series are for EDUCATIONAL AND INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY, AND SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN AS LEGAL OR TAX ADVICE.

Stephen Stafford

Stephen Stafford, J.D., LL.M.