All Business is Personal | Episode 7 | Employees and Human Capital

Authored by:
Brown | Streza

All Business is Personal, hosted by Partner Stephen Stafford, offers invaluable insights into growing, protecting, and maximizing the value of closely-held businesses.

Many Business Owners acknowledge that Employees are their greatest asset, but as Employers, they also know that California is a hotbed for employment litigation. This video will cover some protective measures and steps Business Owners can take to reduce their Company’s liability and will identify some of the “positive” measures that focus on recruiting and retaining talented Employees.

Click below to view other episodes in the series:

Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:

Episode 6:

To learn more visit


As a reminder, this video and all of the other videos in this series are for EDUCATIONAL AND INFORMATION PURPOSES ONLY, AND SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN AS LEGAL OR TAX ADVICE.